Today, I can officially cross another item off by so called "bucket list." At 1:53pm I received a call I never thought I would get. It was an archivist from the National Archives calling to say they have considered me for a position and are offering me a paid fellowship through the National Archives in College Park Maryland, where I currently reside.
The call lasted about 25 minutes and I found myself thinking I cannot believe out of the applicants they chose me. Wow.
On December 7th, I will visit and meet my future colleagues to begin my work as an archivist.
I am so thankful for this opportunity and plan to use it to the fullest.
The Archivist explained I would be handing documents that are coming out of storage and processing them ready for use and they will be held in the vaults in College Park. I will be on a team of Archivists whom will be working on artifacts as well as Military records dated back from World War II. This is an opportunity of a lifetime for me and I am still in bliss they chose me.
I can't believe the irony of December 7th being the day which we remember the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the origination of World War II actually being the same day in which I start my journey as an archivist. This is a day I will never forget.