Well it has been over one year since my last post and I have began a new phase of my life in work as well as research. In the last year I have focused on learning as much as humanly possible on NARA's records and how they are processed.
In May I left the archives to seek a new job position. As of July my position was being extinguished. This I was not happy with but as always I choose to always seek the positives. After returning to my "oldy but goody profession... accounting" I have realized that my passion had been put on hold for way too long. I dusted off my research files, out of the ever so full closet and began reading some of the testimonies of these men in which I so admire. The research for this topic has taken me all over the United States and has brought me face to face with my heroes. As a researcher and writer I am ever more determined to tell their stories of bravery and sacrifice. There is still so much to research, write and discover. I am looking forward to the coming months as I delve back into this subject ever so passionately. Thank you Uncle Tony for the encouragement today. This blog entry is for you.