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Archivist at the National Archives in College Park, Md. Local Historian and future writer.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Boston Day 4- Dinner

Tonight after taking a two and a half hour nap once returning from my morning out, the Vogel's and I went on a 1.5 mile walk around the city to a nice Thai Restaurant. The food was great and the company was even better. I heard about how the Vogel's met and where they were married. She purchased her gown from Filene's famous Basement for $29. She said that they met on a blind date and still loved each other. This couple has truly inspired me to live life to the fullest. At 85 Mr. Vogel wears me out walking all over town. I thoroughly enjoyed my night with them. When arriving back at the home we were greeted by some friends of theirs in the lobby. So proudly introduced was I to their friends by Mrs. Vogel. They bragged about my research and work like I was their own child or something. I will defiantly keep in touch with them after this trip and see them next month at the dedication of Anthony Acevedo's diary in Washington DC. As I sit writing in the office looking out from the 16th floor of the city of Boston, I can't help but wonder what life in a big city will feel like. Maryland awaits me in two weeks, kinda scared of the unknown but also extremely excited!

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